

Here at the Practice we take complaints very seriously and try to ensure that all our patient are pleased with their experience of our service.

If you do wish to make a complaint, can we ask you to put this in writing to the Practice Manager or email us at and we will endeavour to resolve the issue as promptly as we can. We will then seek to investigate the complaint and provide you with a written outcome


If your complaint was about your dental treatment and you are not satisfied with the result of our investigation, you can take up the matter with a relevant external organisation.


For complaints about NHS treatment:

If you would like support to make a complaint, you can get help from an NHS Complaints Advocate. Contact your local Healthwatch to find out who provides Independent Health Complaints Advocacy in your local area.


If you would rather not go directly to the practice, you can contact the NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board instead (Commissioner)


The contact details for the NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board dedicated complaints service are:

Telephone: 01522 309299


Writing to us at: NHS Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board, Complaints and Customer Care Team, Bridge House, The Point, Lions Way, Sleaford NG34 8GG.

For complaints about private treatment:

Dental Complaints Service,

Stephenson House,

2 Cherry Orchard Road,

Croydon CR0 6BA

020 8253 0800

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